Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ampang Yong Tau Foo AKA 安邦酿豆腐

Extracted from Wikipedia - Ampang, a district in Malaysia is famous for its Yong Tau Foo which is a Chinese soup dish with Hakka origins. Essentially the dish originated in the early 1960s in a restaurant called "Chew Kuan" as tofu stuffed with a meat paste of fish and pork, thereby earning the dish its name "Yong Tau Foo," which means "stuffed bean curd." Since then all variety of vegetables and even fried fritters have been similarly stuffed, and the name Yong Tau Foo has thus been used liberally to apply to foods prepared in this manner.

The foods are sliced into bite-size pieces, cooked briefly in boiling broth and then served either in the broth as soup or dry with sauces. 

Yong Tau Foo
1 tablespoon of soya sauce
1/2 tablespoon of sugar
1/2 tablespoon of dark soya sauce

Pan fry all the Yong Tau Foo till cooked.
Place them on a dish.
Mix the soya sauce, sugar and dark soya sauce together with around 1/2 cup of water and bring to a boil.
Pour the sauce over the Yong Tau Foo or return the Yong Tau Foo to the pan to cook with the sauce for another minute or so if you prefer your Yong Tau Foo to be softer.

* Optional - You may want to serve the dish together with some blanched kangkong on the side.