Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cold Soba

In Singapore, we have only two seasons - Hot and hotter. With the hot and humid weather practically all year round in Singapore, everyone is looking for ways to beat the heat. Some keep themselves cool in shopping malls, some go for a dip in swimming pool whereas some choose to stay at home.

I am one of those who choose to stay at home. I can't even bear to step out of the house to get takeaways. I think I'll melt under the scorching sun. On a warm weather like this, eating Cold Soba literally cools you from the inside. I'll be eternally grateful to whoever shows up on my doorsteps with this now. 

200g of soba
500ml of dashi stock
125ml of Japanese soya sauce
Shredded seaweed (optional)
Grated ginger (optional)
Chopped Spring onion (optional)

Bring dashi stock to a boil.
Add in the soya sauce gradually(adjust according to own preference)
Turn heat off.
Let cool and keep chilled.
Cook soba according to the instructions at the back of the packaging.
Place cooked soba under running tap.
Rinse soba thoroughly till the water runs clear.
Drain and set noodles over a bed a of ice cubes. (preferably on a draining basket)
Garnish noodles with shredded seaweed.
Serve noodles with chilled dipping sauce.
Add grated ginger and chopped spring onions to the dipping sauce. (optional)